I-On Investigations Limited
Stephen Hawkins Licensed Private InvestigatorI-On Investigations Limited
Stephen Hawkins Licensed Private InvestigatorI-On Investigations Limited
Stephen Hawkins Licenesed Private Investigator
Workplace Investigations
Find Facts - Confirm Facts - Learn Truth
A decision in June 2020 from the PSPLA (Private Security Personal Licensing Authority) a division of the Ministry of Justice, concluded - " a company that carried out a internal investigation into workplace misconduct breached the Private Security Personal and Private Investigators Act 2010, as the investigator(s) did not hold the appropriate license to carry out such work".
It is a breach of the Private Security Personal and Private Investigator Act 2010 to carry out a workplace investigation unless you have the appropriate PSPLA(PI) license or are a Lawyer with a practicing certificate.
Stephen Hawkins is a member of the Association of Workplace Investigators and completes investigations for employers in relation to cases of serious misconduct , staffing issues, fraud, theft or other work related complaints that may rise. Stephen is appropriately licensed by the PSPLA, and experienced in workplace investigations, having a good knowledge of employment relations Act 2000.
By engaging an independent licenced investigator to complete a workplace investigation, this protects the employer, as the investigator will present a totally unbiased report. There is peace of mind that the investigation is carried out correctly to assit the employer to make well informed decisions. This may save the employer if the consequences of a subsequent disciplinary procedure is a personal grievance that may result in the matter coming before the Employment Relations Authority or mediation. A personal grievance to watched for is Unfair Disadvantage to the employee, so it is essential that the investigation is completed in the strictest of confidentiality and competency ensuring that all parties are treated equally and fairly.
A. Make a decision to or not to conduct an investigation.
B. Choose an investigator.
C. Decide on the scope of the investigation.
D. Form an Investigation plan.
E. Communications with employee representatives and any witnesses.
F. Have a correct confidentiality and privacy system in place.
G. Evidence gathering and retention systems.
H. How to Conduct the interviews.
I. Good Documenting the investigation.
J. Investigation findings and exhibits.
K. Investigations reports.
I-On Investigations Limited is licenced and experienced in relation to the above guiding principles. We complete detailed workplace investigations. Please enquire on the below form.
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Stephen Hawkins
Licensed Private Investigator
Workplace Investigator